Nine Energy-Saving Tips for Summer
July 19, 2021 4:12 pm Leave your thoughtsTemperatures are rising this summer, and so are a lot of homeowners’ energy bills. Thankfully, there are a few easy things you can do for summer energy saving. Continue reading to learn a bit more about reducing your energy costs this season:
- Schedule AC maintenance: Calling an AC contractor for professional maintenance is the best thing you can do to lower your cooling costs. A professional tune-up will ensure your unit is running to the best of its ability and not wasting any money. Plus, professional maintenance reduces the likelihood of a breakdown.
- Replace your air filter: Make a habit of changing your AC’s air filter every month or two—depending on your manufacturer’s recommendations. Swapping the air filter only takes a few minutes. It reduces your energy bill because your unit doesn’t have to work as hard to force air out.
- Use your thermostat wisely: Turning your home into an icebox by lowering your thermostat to the lowest setting will certainly feel good in the middle of the summer, but every degree you lower the temperature can increase your energy bill by 6 to 8 percent. Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature—don’t make it as cold as possible.
- Turn on fans: Another tip for summer energy saving is to run your ceiling fans while the AC is on. Your ceiling fans won’t lower the temperature, but they will blow cold air throughout the room and create a windchill effect. You can set your thermostat 4 degrees higher without any comfort reduction by running your fans.
- Switch to LED light bulbs: Now’s the perfect time to make the switch over to LED light bulbs if you’re still using incandescent lighting. LEDs use 75 percent less energy, last 25 times longer and don’t run as hot as incandescent bulbs. Though they are a bit more expensive, they’ll pay for themselves due to energy savings.
- Close your blinds: Be sure to close your blinds or draw your curtains during the daytime, especially for your south-facing windows. Closing the blinds eliminates sunlight from entering your home and increasing your internal temperature. You’ll feel cooler right away by simply closing your blinds.
- Cook outside: One of our favorite energy-saving tips is to ditch the kitchen and cook outside. Cooking with an oven or stove drastically increases your home’s temperature and causes your AC to work overtime. Instead, fire up your backyard grill for an at-home BBQ feast!
- Wash strategically: Your washer, dryer and dishwasher add a significant amount of heat to your home. Avoid running any of these appliances too frequently, and always wash your clothes in cold water. If you can, hang your clothes to dry instead of tossing them in the dryer.
- Seal your home: Preventing air leaks by adding caulking, weather stripping and even more insulation can save up to 30 percent on your cooling costs. Plus, you’ll reap the energy-saving benefits in the winter thanks to lower heating costs.
Contact our team today
Remember, it’s not too late to schedule an AC tune-up. Call Dailey Heating & Air Conditioning right now to book an appointment or to learn a few more energy-saving tips from our pros.
Categorised in: HVAC
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